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How To Write A Good Essay

Begin at the beginning

If you think of your essay as a finished product, you're going to overwhelm yourself. Doing this would be like sitting down with a 1000 piece puzzle and trying to put all the pieces together at once. You can't do it and thinking of doing it gives you a headache. Instead of looking at your essay as a final draft, look at it as something that has many components. It does. These components include brainstorming, research, outlining, and drafts. Each of these components will help you create a great essay if you take each part separately.

Getting ideas

If you pick a bad subject or something too broad you're going to be overwhelmed from the beginning. Most teachers or advisers will help you recognize when you've picked a subject that is too overwhelming to cover in a short or long essay. Some subjects could only be covered in book form, so don't be too ambitious for smaller projects. It's okay to do a smaller scale essay as long as it's powerful. You can pack a powerful punch when you organize your ideas well.

Worship the outline

Good outlines guide you to good essays. Your outline should be organized, concise, and packed full of information. Is every idea necessary? Do you have fluff in there? Make sure to take it out of the outline before you write the actual paper. Everything in the outline should revert back to the thesis statement or main idea of the article and combine well with that main idea so that it makes sense. Don't be afraid to write more than one draft either. Your first draft is really just a long form outline. You can always trim it down or expand on your ideas later on.

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