How to Write a Good Article for School or Elsewhere

If you need to write a good article for school, for a client or for any other reason that is taxing your writing skills, there are a few things you can do to make the writing go a lot faster and be a lot easier.
Research first -- Do your research first before you start writing a single word for the article itself. That means spending time online researching your subject and making notes. Once you have done your research, and what you want to say is a little bit clearer in your mind, you will find it easier to write the article itself.
Plan the article -- Next, you need to write a plan for the article.
That means you should decide on your introduction and the argument you are going to make. Then you should decide how you are going to expand on that argument, and what is the evidence you are going to use to prove it. Finally, you should know how you are going to finish, and how you are going to reiterate what you said in the article in the closing paragraphs.
Writing the article itself -- Use the plan you just made as a basis for the article. Look at the points you made about the introduction, then write the introduction making sure all the points you wanted to have in there now appear.
Next, look at the points you wanted to add to support your introduction, and make sure they are all included in the article itself.
Finally, be sure your article has a good conclusion, and one that incorporates everything you wanted to say.
Your last step should then be to run the article through a grammar and spell checker, so that you know it is grammatically sound.
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